- Andromeda Group, The [IA][Direct] -
Science and archaeology come together in one question: what is our galactic heritage? Ingelligent life on Earth is older than you think.
- Angelic Conspiracy and End Times Deception [IA][Direct] -
Linking UFO's and the Antichrist.
- Animal Connection [IA][Direct] -
Learn about interspecies telepathic communication with animals and discover resources to help you learn this universal language.
- Art Bell@ (1996)
- AwareNET [IA][Direct] -
A Consciouness Synapse in the New Nervous System (Astrology).
- Bell, Art@ (1997)
- Bermuda Triangle@ (1996)
- Bibliography of Skeptical Works on the Occult, Magic, Witchcraft, and Miracles [IA][Direct] -
Created in the spirit of free inquiry. Annotated.
- Book of Culminus Rite, The [IA][Direct] -
Contains spells and incantations for seances, prophecy, retribution and magic. links to other mystical sites, and special requests.
- Contact Project [IA][Direct] -
Interactive simulation of alien contact.
- Cosmic Connections [IA][Direct]
- Encyclopedia Mystica [IA][Direct] -
Encyclopedia on occult, mysticism, magic, and more.
- Explorer's Page [IA][Direct] -
Join explorer, lecturer & author, Stan Grist, in his search for lost cities, ancient mysteries and hidden treasures.
- FAQ - on the Paranormal [IA][Direct]
- Fenix Escarlata's Dreamspell [IA][Direct] -
Página del Encantamiento del Sueño Maya en Español
- Forbidden City [IA][Direct]
- Generally Weird [IA][Direct] -
A group for debate and discussion of paranormal, unusual, or just plain weird topics. Serious but with enlightened silliness, too.
- Going Home [IA][Direct] -
Does profound planetary transformation lie just ahead? If so, how can we prepare for it and help it happen?
- Human Performance - The Art of Imaging [IA][Direct]
- Ideal Order Psychic TV [IA][Direct]
- Independent Research Centre for Unexplained Phenomena [IA][Direct] -
For scientific study of crop circles, UFOs and other related unexplained phenomena.
- In Search of... [IA][Direct]
- Internet Psychics [IA][Direct] -
Genuine, personal psychic readings by trained clairvoyants. NOT computer-generated, computers can't say hello to spirit!
- ISCNI [IA][Direct] -
Institute for the Study of Contact with Non-human Intelligence.
- KeelyNet [IA][Direct] -
Alternative Science about Gravity, UFO-Tech and Paranormal Issues
- Loch Ness@ (1996)
- Madame B [IA][Direct] -
Cyberspace is teeming with disembodied spirits communicating across vast distances. Madame B. presides over this otherworld.
- Mysterious Places [IA][Direct] -
Come explore ancient civilizations and sacred places.
- Mysterious & Unexplained, The [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to the study and exploration of lost civilizations, buried treasures, ancient monuments, the paranormal, UFOs, modern science, and more.
- New World, A [IA][Direct] -
Information on aliens and other phenomena.
- Noah's Ark Society [IA][Direct] -
For the promotion of physical mediumship to gain evidence for the survival of death.
- Nostradamus@ (1996)
- Official SvoeBer Page [IA][Direct] -
From Denmark.
- Old Art - New Age [IA][Direct] -
For people who are looking for answers to mystical questions.
- Out to Lunch [IA][Direct] -
Links to psychedelic, alternative, astrology, ufo, weird and a few 'normal' ones.
- Palmistry [IA][Direct]
- ParaNet Newsletter Archive [IA][Direct]
- Paranormal Discussions BBS [IA][Direct] -
Paranormal topics and info on a BBS system of the same theme. Reports of phenominae. Links to similar pages, BBS utilities.
- Paranormal Files (P-Files) [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to people who have an interest in paranormal phenomena.
- Paranormal Information Page [IA][Direct] -
Dedicada a minha família e amigos.
- Paranormal Photography [IA][Direct] -
Unique images of the elemental world of ghosts, UFOs and spirits.
- Paranormal Project, The [IA][Direct] -
Level-headed, open-minded examination of paranormal, supernatural, and other mysterious unexplained phenomena.
- Paranormal, The [IA][Direct]
- ParaScope [IA][Direct] -
Investigates, researches and reports on the most shocking stories of our time.
- Phenomena of the Psyche [IA][Direct]
- Prophecy & Prediction [IA][Direct] -
Step into the future, make your own predictions, see what others think the future holds. Are these the last days? Biblical prediction, nostrodamus and others.
- Protree Alternative Information Center (PAIC) [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to offering (alternative/mind expansion) information not normally found in the mainstream-medias.
- Psychic On-Line [IA][Direct]
- Psychic Weather Report [IA][Direct] -
A psychic's weekly look at the "climate" on planet Earth.
- Real X-Files [IA][Direct]
- Remote Viewing@ (1996)
- Rincon Magico, El [IA][Direct] -
In Spanish.
- ShadowLands [IA][Direct] -
Links and info on UFOs, ghosts, monsters.
- Spinner & Crisis [IA][Direct] -
An exploration of 1000 years of possible historical cycles on a 64-year framework, together with other periods in the nested sequence 2^n.
- StarTalk [IA][Direct] -
Extraterrestrial Phenomena
- Strange Universe [IA][Direct] -
Exploring the unexplained.
- Tales of Fuligin [IA][Direct] -
Tales Of Alien Worlds and Death From the First ExtraTerrestrial Web Author
- Tanes Paranormal Page [IA][Direct] -
Ask any question on the paranormal and get an answer in 2 weeks or less.
- True Psychics [IA][Direct] -
Two pretty darned good psychics - readings, healings, past-life regressions, energy work, spirit guide introductions.
- Uber den Zaun [IA][Direct] -
Klartraum, Ausserkörperlichkeit weltanschauliche Probleme wie Paradigmenwechsel und Erkenntnistheorie, Hellschlaf im Märchen.
- UNARIUS Academy of Science [IA][Direct] -
A Tax-exempt, Non-profit, Educational Foundational that publishes books and video programs which teach new concepts that recognize the creative potential of individuals who are proponents of ideas having an effect on all institutions of our society!
- Unexplained and Future, The [IA][Direct] -
Dealing with the unexplained and future. Now has multimedia features, a chat page, excellent links and allows you to submit your own articals.
- Uri-Geller Psychic City [UK Mirror Site] [IA][Direct]
- Uri Geller's Psychic City [IA][Direct]
- What *is* that thing on that psychic's head? [IA][Direct] -
This location offers a few ideas, but feel free to make suggestions of your own on this very important matter.
- Whispers of the Dead [IA][Direct]
- World Wide Web Ouija [IA][Direct] -
Let the World Wide Web Ouija answer your questions about life.
- x-files [IA][Direct] -
Bizarre, unusual, X-files. Spontaneous combustion, ball lightning, alien abductions
- Zetetic Investigator's Thoughts [IA][Direct]