- Archive X: Ghost Hunters Guide [IA][Direct]
- AvatarSearch [IA][Direct] -
Search engine on the internet totally dedicated to magick, paganism and the occult. Offers exceptional URL add and update features.
- Experience The Paranormal [IA][Direct]
- Fringes of Reason [IA][Direct]
- Generally Weird [IA][Direct] -
A group for debate and discussion of paranormal, unusual, or just plain weird topics. Serious but with enlightened silliness, too.
- Home of the Outer Realm [IA][Direct] -
X-Files and other UFO links.
- Networks, Sites & Mailing-Lists [IA][Direct]
- Paradigm Links [IA][Direct] -
UFOs and the Bible, New Age and conspiracy, Cydonia and Egypt, and the omnipresent X-Files.
- Robin's Links to the Mystical Internet [IA][Direct]
- Spirit-WWW [IA][Direct] -
Spiritual consciousness on WWW.
- Weird World [IA][Direct]
- Wizard's Den [IA][Direct] -
Investigate alternative science, consciousness studies, UFO's, free energy, PSI research, EMF effects, psychosocial manipulation, and more.
- x-files [IA][Direct] -
Bizarre, unusual, X-files. Spontaneous combustion, ball lightning, alien abductions
- Zoid'