- Alien Cultures [IA][Direct]
- Alien Encounters
[IA][Direct] -
Have you been abducted by aliens, seen a ufo, or had an unearthly experience? Tell us about it and read other stories people have sent in. - Alien Exploratorium [IA][Direct] -
Information & images relating to Aliens & Ufo's.
- Alien Mutilation and UFO's [IA][Direct]
- Alien On Line [IA][Direct] -
Images, Movies, mpeg and other about UFO and alien.
- Aliens, Aliens, Aliens [IA][Direct] -
Cuddle up with a steamy hot mug o' alien conspiracy. Made fresh bi-weekly.
- Aliens and Soul Abduction [IA][Direct]
- Alien Software [IA][Direct] -
Brings you many things of an unusual nature.
- Aliens on Line [IA][Direct]
- Alien's Realm, The
[IA][Direct] - Andromeda Group, The [IA][Direct] -
Science and archaeology come together in one question: what is our galactic heritage? Ingelligent life on Earth is older than you think.
- Angelic Conspiracy and End Times Deception [IA][Direct] -
Linking UFO's and the Antichrist.
- Center of Attention [IA][Direct] -
Bi-weekly news and comment on the ascension movement.
- Clones [IA][Direct] -
Undetected and identical in every physical detail, clones have reached society's highest echelons; government; business; the judiciary.
- Columbus Optical SETI Observatory [IA][Direct] -
Contains extensive documentation on the Optical Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (OSETI) and the activities of the observatory.
- Conspiracy, UFOs and Government Cover-Ups: The Story Unfolds [IA][Direct]
- Contes per a Extraterrestres [IA][Direct] -
Publicacio de ficcions breus i materials relacionats en un entorn hipertext. Textos en catala, castella i angles.
- Department of Interplanetary Affairs [IA][Direct] -
Free info from over 30 years of research! Info from former NASA, Military, and other agencies about the truth of Earth's history and human civilization.
- Do You Believe in Aliens?
[IA][Direct] -
What you always wanted to know about aliens. - Do You Think We're Alone? [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to people looking for information and pictures on the subject of UFO, space, extraterestrial, aliens, HAARP Project, crop circles and outerspace.
- Dreamland Interactive [IA][Direct] -
Entertaining educational UFO CD-ROM titles, latest UFO update news, a discussion group, many informative links and more.
- Encounters Forum [IA][Direct] -
Source for current information on UFOs and Paranormal events.
- E.T.Net [IA][Direct] -
Club for people who belive that we are not alone. Travel to places and planets and maybe you will make contact.
- Extraterrestrial Biological Entity(EBE) Page [IA][Direct] -
Lots of information on extraterrestrials: Roswell, Area 51, Abductions, etc. With pictures and movies! Add links to your own sites, and participate in the forum.
- FAQ - Extraterrestrial Life [IA][Direct]
- Galactic Web, The [IA][Direct] -
Aliens, fixed stars, conspiracy
- Great Pyramid [europa.com] [IA][Direct] -
Proof that the pyramids were designed by alien intelligence.
- Guardian [IA][Direct] -
Archives, bibliographies, book reviews images, and links.
- Guide to Knowledge [IA][Direct]
- Jacques Vallee [IA][Direct] -
The authors of 50 Greatest Conspiracies of All Time present an exclusive interview with pioneering UFO researcher Jacques Valee.
- Jody's "ET-Phone Home" Page [IA][Direct] -
UFOs, ETs, walk-ins, wanderers, contactees and transhuman psychology.
- Joe's Alien Page
[IA][Direct] - Lunar Anomalies Page [IA][Direct] -
Research site dedicated to the analysis of NASA photographic evidence of artifacts on the Moon.
- Marfa Mystery Lights [IA][Direct]
- Measuring Stick, The [IA][Direct] -
Supplies answers for those individuals who have personal questions about UFO's, alien contact, governmental association to UFO's, or religion.
- Meier, Billy [IA][Direct] -
Has maintained a series of physical and telepathic contacts with extraterrestrial beings who say they come from the Pleiades star cluster.
- Mindshadow [IA][Direct] -
Examination and documentation of ufos, alien agenda, abductions, travel to parallel universes; shattering of rigid belief systems, quantum awareness to true reality.
- Never Trust an Alien! [IA][Direct] -
Help in the ongoing battle against deceptive alien entities!
- New Age Communications [IA][Direct] -
UFO research with a divine twist.
- New World, A [IA][Direct] -
Information on aliens and other phenomena.
- Norwegian Center for Cosmic Awareness [IA][Direct] -
Guide to the alien presence and the UFO-phenomenon in general from a New-Age point of view.
- Official SvoeBer Page [IA][Direct] -
From Denmark.
- ParaNet [IA][Direct] -
Runs a national radio show covering all aspects of the paranormal and UFOs.
- ParaNet Continuum [IA][Direct] -
Weekly, one-hour radio program interviews the top names in the field of Ufology. Sundays, 9 p.m. et, RealAudio from KCNR
- Paranormal Discussions BBS [IA][Direct] -
Paranormal topics and info on a BBS system of the same theme. Reports of phenominae. Links to similar pages, BBS utilities.
- Protree Alternative Information Center (PAIC) [IA][Direct] -
Dedicated to offering (alternative/mind expansion) information not normally found in the mainstream-medias.
- Sacred Science, "A Natural Theosophy?" [IA][Direct] -
About the hidden nature of Man, the worlds in which he lives, and the cosmos of which he's a part.
- SETI Institute - The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence [IA][Direct] -
Home for scientific and educational projects relevant to the nature, distribution, and prevalence of life in the universe. Conducts/encourages research and related activities in a large number of fields.
- Skyplex [IA][Direct] -
A sanctuary where we contemplate the universe and attempt to answer the age old questions; What is life? Why are we here? What's with those UFO's?
- Skywatch Diary [IA][Direct] -
Weekly summary of UFO activity in Gulf Breeze, Florida.
- SOS OVNI [IA][Direct] -
Site ufologique en francais. Echange de fichiers francais et anglais. Images disponible sur demande. Formulaire pour temoignage disponible. Adresse de tout les SOS OVNI dans le Monde.Et plus encore.
- Tales of Fuligin [IA][Direct] -
Tales Of Alien Worlds and Death From the First ExtraTerrestrial Web Author
- They are among us... [IA][Direct] -
A UFO/alien website. Here you can: autopsy the Roswell alien, download files, view pictures, and get updated info on UFOs/aliens.
- True Story about the svoBers [IA][Direct] -
They haven't got any physical form - they consist only of energy, but are able to create illusions so they may appear visible to human eyes.
- Truth
[IA][Direct] -
A perspective on the existence of alien life with images, sounds, and links. - Truth Hunter, The
[IA][Direct] -
Página sobre Arquivo-X, UFOs, atividade paranormal e muito mais. - Unusual Research [IA][Direct] -
From grassroots research groups and experiencer support groups.
- V J Enterprises [IA][Direct] -
A New Age organization who's goal is to share with the public the best information which describes the prophecized Golden Age.
- X-Files, The@ (2000)