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Home > Business and Economy > Companies > Energy >
  • Analytic Power Corporation [IA][Direct] - Developing and manufacturing fuel cell power supplies, power plants and processors.
  • DAIS Corporation [IA][Direct] - Maker of application priced fuel cell materials and stacks called "Power Cells". These patent protected materials will allow fuel cell technology to become commonplace.
  • ElectroChem, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Massachusetts technolgy firm specializing in fuel cells and fuel cell technology.
  • Electro-Chem-Technic [IA][Direct] - A description of some demonstration fuel cells and aluminium/air cells for science education.
  • Energy Partners, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Dedicated to the development and commercialization of proton exchange or polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells.
  • Energy Research Corporation [IA][Direct] - A developer and manufacturer of electrochemical - fuel cell and battery - technologies.
  • Genesis Current Generator [IA][Direct] - Developing alternative electrical power sources for the future. Imagine free electrical power!
  • GlobeTech, Inc. [IA][Direct] - Provides electrochemical testing services and products.
  • GreenGas [IA][Direct] - Patent-pending energy generating invention.
  • H Power Corp. [IA][Direct] - Manufacturer of fuel cell systems that use hydrogen to produce electrical power on demand. Their systems range in size from milliwatts to multi-kilowatt systems.
  • New Energy Storage Technology  [IA][Direct] - Describes electrochemical battery (redox and fuel cell) systems applicable to electric vehicles, load leveling, portable and standby power sources.
  • Powerball Industries [IA][Direct] - Manufacturing the "on-demand hydrogen generator" for fuel cells and other applications.
  • WP Laboratories [IA][Direct] - Developer of commercial PEM fuel cell applications. Stack development and membrane research.
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