- Plant Tracker, The
[IA][Direct] -
Searchable database of nearly 7000 species of plants and their edible, medicinal and other household uses. - 24 "Canoe Plants" of Ancient Hawaii, The [IA][Direct] -
Examines the plants brought to Hawaii by the original settlers.
- Aquatic Plants [IA][Direct] -
Aquatic plant database, images, drawings, video programs, etc.
- Arizona State University - Photosynthesis Center [IA][Direct]
- Asclepiad Page [IA][Direct] -
The resource for succulent milkweeds/carrion flowers and the International Asclepiad Society.
- BeanRef [IA][Direct] -
Collection of references to different aspects of research on beans .
- BG-Map Botanical Garden Mapping System [IA][Direct] -
A computerized mapping system/GIS
- Botanica Slovenica [IA][Direct]
- Cactus Page
[IA][Direct] -
Austrian page concerning cacti in German. - Cellulose Electronic Network, The [IA][Direct] -
CEN's goal is to promote communication amongst cellulose researchers from around the world both in academia and industry to promote cellulose research.
- Cirsium Links [IA][Direct]
- Exotic Plant Species of the Colorado Plateau [IA][Direct] -
Information on exotic plant species of the Colorado Plateau including distribution, photographs, federal, regional, and state policies.
- Flora of China [IA][Direct] -
A collaborative project to publish the first modern English-language account of the approximately 30,000 species of vascular plants of China.
- Florida Plants Online [IA][Direct] -
Directory of links to information on native plants, gardening, landscape, and design.
- Good Start to a Comprehensive Theory of Plant Hormones [IA][Direct] -
Describes simple roles for auxin, cytokinin, GA, brassionsteorid, ABA, and ethylene.
- Growing Hardy Palms [IA][Direct] -
How to grow palm trees in *almost* any climate. Links to palm resources.
- Internet Directory for Botany [IA][Direct]
- Medicinal and Poisonous Plant Databases [IA][Direct]
- MexAssist Chile Information Center [IA][Direct] -
General information on the different species, history, and medicinal uses of the chile, plus some hot recepies.
- Native Plants of South Florida [IA][Direct]
- Peach Leaf Curl and Related Diseases [IA][Direct]
- Penstemon [IA][Direct] -
Information and pictures of this native North American plant genus.
- Plants for a Future [IA][Direct] -
A collection of leaflets about edible and other useful plants includeing plants for lighting, fiber, soaps, oils and information on permaculture and perennials plants.
- Saw Palmetto Report [IA][Direct] -
Information this plant's ecology, biology, and production from the University of Florida.
- Seeds of Life [IA][Direct] -
Discover the tiny and wonderful world of seeds. High quality closeup color photographs. Bilingual: French/English.
- Survey of the Plant Kingdom [IA][Direct] -
From monera through the higher plants, including descriptions as well as graphics and schematics.
- USDA National PLANTS Database and Projects [IA][Direct] -
Provides a single source of standardized information about plants.
- Vegetation of Lobo Point and North Wild Horse Mesa, Eastern Mojave Desert, San Bernadino County, California, USA [IA][Direct]
- Virtual Field Trip through an East Central Texas Bog [IA][Direct] -
Join botanists of Texas A&M as they explore the Flynn Bogs System.
- Wildflower Photography [IA][Direct] -
Contains a collection of wildflower photography, including rare and endangered species of orchid in Northeastern North America.
- Wisconsin Fast Plants [IA][Direct]