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Television Shows
  • Booknotes [IA][Direct] - America's finest authors on reading, writing, and the power of ideas. Includes transcripts and and RealVideo clips from the C-SPAN show.
  • Book TV [IA][Direct] - Official site for C-SPAN2's weekend nonfiction book programming features scheduling information, live webcasting plus video archives, online author chats, teaching guides, links to buy videotapes.
  • Changing Paradigm with Dr. Patricia Hill [IA][Direct] - Interviews with authors of books about contemporary issues and thought.
  • Fooling with Words with Bill Moyers [IA][Direct] - Covering the events and the poems shared at the 1998 Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. With sound clips, poems, poet biographies, teacher's guide, lesson plans, and links.
  • Northern Lights [IA][Direct] - Weekly program on Minnesota books and writers.
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