- ArtDaily [IA][Direct] -
News from the art world.
- Absolutearts [IA][Direct] -
Providing daily arts news from around the globe as well as delivery via email.
- artandleisure.com [IA][Direct] -
Includes an art magazine, various art works, and a schedule of gallery shows for the New York area.
- Art Crime [IA][Direct] -
News of cultural property incidents from the Museum Security Network.
- Art Newspaper, The [IA][Direct] -
Reports on art personalities, issues, and events. Strives to avoid pretentious language and value judgements.
- Art Newsroom International [IA][Direct] -
Current headlines and information, links, and more.
- Arts Journal [IA][Direct] -
Daily arts news from more than 100 newspapers, magazines, and e-publications.
- Arts & Letters Daily [IA][Direct] -
Daily aggregation of news and reviews covering literature, criticism, philosophy, theory, books, music and fine arts.
- Arts Wire [IA][Direct] -
Weekly digest of arts news and a database of cultural resources from the New York Foundation for the Arts.
- BBC World Service: Arts and Drama [IA][Direct]
- museumsworld news [IA][Direct] -
All the latest news from museums across the world.
- NPR News: Arts [IA][Direct]